What it is: Grapefruit is a fruit tree of the class of Sapindales, of the genus citrus and the Rutaceae family (citrus fruits), angiosperm, dicotyledonous plant, and it is grown for the grapefruit fruit. It is most likely that grapefruit is a mutation of pomelo. The fruit is of yellow color when it has ripened; in size it is bigger than that of the orange. Its flesh is of yellow, pink or red color, depending on the variety; it is soft and juicy, and its taste is sour-sweet. The skin is smooth, and its taste is intensely bitter. How it works: : Recently, some activities of grape seed extract (G.S.E.) were discovered. Specifically, since 1980, a year in which the famous immunologist Jacob H. discovered the great antibiotic activity, such that it can be defined as “the most powerful natural antibiotic” and, more than that, without side effects and without obstructing the immune system and the bacterial flora. Several international studies have been conducted to date, revealing the excellent multi-activities of G.S.E., some of which are antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. Laboratory analyses that have been conducted by numerous institutes of the U.S.A., Canada, France, Austria and Mexico have shown that G.S.E. is active against a wide range of microbes, some of which are: staphylococcus, streptococcus, salmonella, ella, Escherichia coli, pseudomonas, lactobacillus, klebsiella, shigella, legionella pneumophila, chlamydia, helicobacter pylori, herpes, candida albicans, aspergillus, tricophyton and other fungi and agitations. The testings have been submitted to and approved by the American F.D.A. and U.S.D.A. The extract of the “grapefruit seed” is indicated for the treatment of skin, oral, ear and internal infections. From the perspective of dermatology, G.S.E. has valid use in fungal type pathologies (with particular interest for candida albicans), and in bacterial, parasitic and viral (herpes) pathologies. Institute Pasteur, Paris, conducted research on the antiviral activity of G.S.E. Finally, it was recently found (Univ. Studies San Paolo - Brazil) that G.S.E. holds a degree of bacterial skin disinfection equal to 100%, compared to 72% held by methyl alcohol.In which products you can find it: