
Troxiven - BIONAT


What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are clusters of vessels consisting of small arteries and veins that are intertwined and are in the lower part of the large intestine (internal hemorrhoids) or in the anus (external hemorrhoids).

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms, in different stages of development, are:

1. Pain
2. Itching
3. Local irritation 
4. Burning sensation
5. Bleeding



Stages of hemorrhoids

Depending on the stage of their development, hemorrhoids are categorized in four degrees:


  • First-degree hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids that are not visible from the outside and can only be seen through the proctoscope, during examination

  • Second-degree hemorrhoids are those hemorrhoids that bulge from the anus

  • Third-degree hemorrhoids are those hemorrhoids that bulge from the anus and can be pushed back in by the patient.  

  • Fourth-degree hemorrhoids are those hemorrhoids that are bulging and can be easily pushed back in

 The treatment of first- and second-degree hemorrhoids is conservative, while the treatment of third- and fourth-degree hemorrhoids can be invasive.


Clinical Practice Committee,

American Gastroenterological Association.

American Gastroenterological Association medical position statement: Diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhoids. Gastroenterology. 2004

Possible factors that can contribute to their occurrence

Everyone may be dealing with such problems: for example, pregnant women, people having a sedentary life, people lifting weights frequently, etc.

Possible factors that could contribute to their occurrence:

  • Sedentary life
  • Obesity
  • Diet poor in plant fibers
  • Increased alcohol consumption
  • Pregnancy
  • Chronic constipation/diarrhea


Riss S et al., (2012) The prevalence of hemorrhoids in adults. Int J Colorectal Dis.

Pigot F et al., (2005) Risk factors associated with hemorrhoidal symptoms in specialized consultation. Gastroenterol Clin Biol.



In certain cases and under the guidance of the treating physician, changes in daily habits may help control hemorrhoids and reduce symptoms

  • Balanced diet: Consumption of food rich in plant fibers (e.g. wholegrain products, vegetable, fruit)
  • Adequate water consumption (6–8 glasses/day)
  • Increase in physical activity (walking, running, swimming)
  • Care of personal hygiene
  • Avoid reading in the bathroom
  • Reduction in sedentary activities


Varut Lohsiriwat, (2012) Hemorrhoids: From basic pathophysiology to clinical management, World J Gastroenterol.

Nisar PJ1, Scholefield JH, (2003), Managing haemorrhoids, BMJ

What is Troxiven?
The NEW combination proposal for the relief of hemorrhoid symptoms
icon Τroxiven Retard

A balanced combination of 3 flavonoids and folic acid. Diosmin, hesperidin and troxerutin all contribute to the adequate functionality and tone of the capillary/venous system. They act against the fragility of capillaries and veins and improve microcirculation through their antioxidant effect, while folic acid also contributes to blood production.

Method of taking the pill: 1 tablet per day, or 3 tablets for 5 days in case of acute hemorrhoidal attack.


Giannini et al., (2015), Flavonoids mixture (diosmin, troxerutin, hesperidin) in the treatment of acute hemorrhoidal disease: a prospective, randomized, triple-blind, controlled trial, Tech Coloproctol

icon Τroxiven Gel

Troxiven Gel is a dermatologically tested cold gel that consists of 10 ingredients. For example, the combination of 3 flavonoids contributes to better blood flow in microcirculation, thanks to their antioxidant effect, while Asian pennywort contributes to the integrity of connective tissue and improves capillary permeability. All the ingredients found in Troxiven Gel are rich sources of flavonoids.

Method of application: Spread 2–3 times during the day in the affected area. In order to increase its cryotherapeutic action, keep it in the fridge.


Giannini et al., (2015), Flavonoids mixture (diosmin, troxerutin, hesperidin) in the treatment of acute hemorrhoidal disease: a prospective, randomized, triple-blind, controlled trial, Tech Coloproctol

Pointel et al., (1987) Titrated extract of Centella asiatica in the treatment of venous insufficiency of the lower limbs, Angiology
